Child Early Treatment Package

From £1150 or £75.00 per month

Your child’s orthodontic journey will include:

  • One hour-long consultation. Our expert clinician will explain all available solutions to achieve your dream smile. This consultation will include a personalised treatment plan and written report at a one-off fee of £99.
  • Early detection of orthodontic problems and treatment as early as 7-8 years old.
  • All-inclusive, comfortable orthodontic journey.
  • No hidden fees.
  • Evening appointments (subject to availability). Convenient appointment times, including after school and evening (subject to availability).
  • Free of charge 12-month post-treatment follow-up.
  • Free of charge premium orthodontic oral hygiene kit.
  • Guaranteed customer service satisfaction and excellent results from our friendly, award-winning team.
  • 12-month interest-free and no-deposit options allow you to spread the cost of your treatment.

Advantages of Early Treatment

  • Guide dental development to avoid lengthy and more complex orthodontic treatment later in life.
  • Creating room or preserving space for crowded teeth.
  • Reducing the need for removal of adult teeth later on.
  • Shortening treatment time with braces if needed later on.
  • Avoid possible dental surgery if teeth fail to grow and get stuck inside the jaw bone.
  • Reducing the risk of trauma of protruding (sticking forward) front teeth.
  • Facilitate healthy facial growth.
  • Correcting undersized or oversized jaws or asymmetrical jaw growth.
  • Stop poor oral habits such as thumb or finger sucking, pacifier habits beyond age six, and mouth breathing.
We strongly recommend that a child’s first orthodontic visit occurs between the ages of seven and nine, especially if any signs of teeth irregularity are detected. We have many years of experience providing orthodontic treatment for growing children and dealing with problems such as thumb/finger sucking and mouth breathing which, if left unattended, will negatively affect facial growth and dental development. Second-phase treatment may still be needed in some cases later on at approximately age 12. Having straight teeth and a beautiful smile will also boost your child’s confidence and help them to feel more secure about their teeth, in a stage of their life where their personality is developing every day.

Early warning signs

These are the most common signs that should alarm parents to seek an orthodontic consultation. We strongly recommend that a child’s first orthodontic visit occurs between the ages of seven and nine if any signs of teeth irregularity are detected:
  • Overlapping or crowded teeth.
  • Big gaps between the teeth.
  • Early or late loss of baby teeth, including removal of baby teeth by the dentist.
  • Missing or extra teeth.
  • Protruding teeth (top or bottom jaw too far forward).
  • Top and bottom teeth not meeting at the front (Openbite).
  • Teeth crossing at the front or back when biting (Crossbite).
  • Top teeth covering completely the bottom teeth (Overbite, Deep bite).
  • Biting of the cheek or roof of the mouth.
  • Difficulty in chewing or biting.
  • Thumb, finger-sucking, or pacifier habits beyond the age of six.
  • Mouth breathing or snoring at night.
  • Speech difficulty.
  • Tongue Thrust – Tongue sitting forward between the teeth.
  • Reverse swallowing- Tongue pushing forward against the front teeth.
  • Lip biting – lower lip resting behind the top front teeth.
  • Strong chin muscle.
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth.
  • Signs of excessive enamel wear.
  • Jaw noises and clicking that cause discomfort.

Most Common Child Braces

The good news is that many children are now eager to wear braces as they have become something of a fashion statement. This allows us to offer children the best orthodontic treatment, giving them straight teeth and a great smile to face the future with confidence and freedom.

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