Get Your Damon Braces Fitted This Summer | Premier Orthodontics
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Get your braces fitted THIS summer!

Get your braces fitted THIS summer!
April 27, 2018 Info Premier

The kids are back at school and things can start getting back to normal after the chaos of the Easter break but before we know the summer holidays will soon be up on us once again!

Are you or your child concerned about the way their teeth look? Summer is the perfect time for your teen or pre-teen to adapt to braces, so why not plan ahead? Book a consultation now and we can have a full treatment plan and custom-made braces ready to fit for them in their summer holidays!

We offer a range of custom-made braces which take between 2-8 weeks to fabricate, the most popular with the teens being Damon Insignia.

Benefits of Damon Insignia Braces

Some of the benefits of custom-made Insignia are:

  • The brace is customised for YOU!
  • Digital scans are taken to create a virtual copy of YOUR teeth (no impressions!)
  • Scans are then sent off to California where the technicians will use Yaz’s treatment plan to create a ‘movie’ of how the teeth will move – you get to see YOUR end result before the brace is even fitted!
  • The brackets are fitted to the teeth with customised trays so that every bracket is placed in exactly the right part of the tooth, from day 1!
  • Wires are made bespoke for YOUR teeth and we will be sent a set of wires to coincide with YOUR treatment plan!
  • No need for tooth extractions in most cases!
  • We have found that treatment times are roughly 4-6 months faster!
  • Less visits to the clinic (every 2-3 months instead of every month)!
  • In our experience, longer lasting results than traditional braces
  • They come in metal braces and CLEAR braces


To find out more about Damon Insignia and what other custom made treatments are available click here.

To book a fully comprehensive consultation and start the journey to a beautiful smile or to ask any questions, get in touch with us today on 020 8460 6464 /

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